Zack Snyder shares new image of Superman in black costume.
What began life as seemingly nothing more than the wishes of eager fans, the mystical “Snyder Cut” of the 2017 DCEU team-up film, Justice League, seems to be gathering momentum.
Zack Snyder, the driving force behind the DCEU from its inception, was forced to leave the then unfinished Justice League due to a personal tragedy. Joss Whedon was brought in to complete the film and also brighten the tone following criticism aimed at the previous films for being too dark and brooding.
In recent months we’ve seen more mention from cast members confirming that a significantly different cut does exist and joining the campaign, which has earned the oft-used Twitter hashtag, #releasethesnydercut, to do exactly that.
The existence of this alternative cut has always been denied by DC and Warner Bros, however the one man who SHOULD know is Zack Snyder himself, and having joined in the campaign over the last couple of months he has sent fans clamouring for its release into overdrive via Twitter and Instagram.
The latest post, posted earlier today on Snyder’s Vero account with the words, “My Superman”, was a never before seen high resolution image of Henry Cavill in the black Superman suit, famous within the comic book canon from the Death of Superman storyline.
Who knows whether we’ll eventually see the mythical Snyder Cut of Justice League and whether in actuality it would be any better than the colourful but tonal mismatch that is the theatrical release. Zack Snyder came in for a lot of criticism for the tone of his DCEU films, and while Justice League is creatively a bit of a mess, it’s interesting to see the shift in ‘fan’ opinion that it was Joss Whedon’s fault and their assumed belief that Snyder’s version would have been so much better. Only time will tell so watch this space.