All About Nina (2018).
In a very small independent film, writer Eva Vives makes her feature length directorial debut with All About Nina. It tells a compelling story of Nina (the fabulous Mary Elizabeth… Continue reading "All About Nina (2018)."
Our in-depth analysis of the latest films as well as retrospective analysis of older or classic movies.
In a very small independent film, writer Eva Vives makes her feature length directorial debut with All About Nina. It tells a compelling story of Nina (the fabulous Mary Elizabeth… Continue reading "All About Nina (2018)."
After the surprise runaway success of Rocky it was perhaps a forgone conclusion that a sequel would follow and so it did in the form of 1979’s Rocky II. Once… Continue reading "Rocky II (1979)."
For many, Rocky is a boxing movie. Widely regarded as one of, if not the best in the sub-genre of boxing films, but for me it will always be so… Continue reading "Rocky (1976)."
Documentaries are some of my favorite types of films and I’m often pleasantly surprised by documentary films that are based on subjects I have little to no knowledge of or… Continue reading "Free Solo (2018)."
Valentine is a model, living alone in a small apartment. By day she works and does ballet to keep fit. At night she pines after Michel, her distant, paranoid and… Continue reading "Three Colors: Red (1994)."
If any stock is to be put in the comments that frequently surface on social media regarding the changing face of how movies are delivered to audiences, then for many,… Continue reading "Apostle (2018)."
***SPOILER WARNING*** I must admit, if I’d watched Three Colors: White in isolation, I probably would’ve dismissed it. It’s an interesting film which generates a fair few laughs and more than… Continue reading "Three Colors: White (1994)."
Though not the awe-inspiring adventure that some might hope for or expect from a film about Neil Armstrong stepping out onto the moon (an historical event that took a surprisingly… Continue reading "First Man (2018)."
October 15th 2018 sees the 25th anniversary of the first film in arguably one of the greatest trilogies of all time, three films which explored love, death, grief, age, friendship, sex and… Continue reading "Three Colors: Blue (1993)."
Tom Hardy is the best thing about Sony’s latest adaptation of a Marvel Comics property. In fact, he might be the only good thing in a film so very unsure… Continue reading "Venom (2018)."