Superman II (1980).
A Sequel of Two Halves. In December of 1980 (or 1981 depending on where in the world you lived) audiences were given the promised sequel to 1978’s hugely successful Superman.… Continue reading "Superman II (1980)."
Our in-depth analysis of the latest films as well as retrospective analysis of older or classic movies.
A Sequel of Two Halves. In December of 1980 (or 1981 depending on where in the world you lived) audiences were given the promised sequel to 1978’s hugely successful Superman.… Continue reading "Superman II (1980)."
You WILL believe… We live in what can justifiably be called the age of the superhero movie. Since the dawn of this millennium, Hollywood has been flooded with innumerable entries… Continue reading "Superman (1978)."
As a huge fan of his collaboration with Nick Frost and Simon Pegg on their Coronetto Trilogy of films and their cult TV series Spaced, I’ve always been an ardent… Continue reading "Baby Driver (2017) – Review."
Totalitarian Recall. In 1997 acclaimed Dutch director, Paul Verhoeven hoped to return to the success of his first three Hollywood films after the failure of his fourth film, 1995’s disastrous… Continue reading "Starship Troopers (1997)."
“I know I’m human. And if you were all these things, then you’d just attack me right now, so some of you are still human. This thing doesn’t want to… Continue reading "John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982)."
Back in the mid ’70s one of the hottest names in Hollywood was William Friedkin. In 1971 he directed the Oscar winning The French Connection, a film which combined the artificiality of… Continue reading "William Friedkin’s Sorcerer (1977)."
“Come, it is time to keep your appointment with the Wicker Man.” 1973 saw the birth of the now cult British horror film The Wicker Man. Shot by director Robin… Continue reading "The Wicker Man (1973)."
De Palma’s Horror/Thriller Is Also An Unconventional Take On The Superhero Movie. *** SPOILER ALERT *** Brian De Palma’s adaptation of Stephen King’s tale of a young high school girl… Continue reading "Carrie (1976) – Review."
In honour of Michael Fassbender’s latest box office bomb, The Snowman, I felt the need to revisit a lesser loved film from a couple of years back, Danny Boyle’s Steve… Continue reading "The Underappreciated Art of Danny Boyle’s 2015 Biopic ‘Steve Jobs’"
Asgardians Of The Galaxy. *** MILD SPOILERS *** We are now 9 years into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Thor: Ragnarok, the latest instalment in Marvel Studios’ hugely successful franchise,… Continue reading "Thor: Ragnarok (2017) – Review."