Director Taika Waititi discusses his vision for Thor: Ragnarok & it’s time-line.
Thor is set to return alongside the Hulk in the 17th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor: Rangarok.
With an interconnected universe that has been going for almost a decade, Marvel Studios has successfully pulled off a feat that no other studio has come close to doing with a level of crossover continuity never before seen over such a large franchise.
However, as the recent movies have been released with new characters such as Dr Strange bringing another dimensions into the continuity and the Guardians of the Galaxy once again appearing to save the universe as well as the Homecoming of Marvel’s the prodigal son, Spider-Man, the time-line for the films has not appeared to be as clean cut as it did with the earlier batch of movies.
So when exactly do the events of Thor’s third solo title film take place? Screen Rant recently visited the set of the movie and posed this question to Marvel producer Brad Winderbaum, who didn’t seem too sure himself,
“It’s not like, five minutes after [Avengers: Age of] Ultron ends we start this movie. It’s a couple years later… This movie takes place basically…You know, it’s hard. In the timeline of the MCU, things kind of happen on top of each other, especially now in Phase Three. They’re not as interlocked as they were in Phase One, you know, during Fury’s Big Week and everything. So [Thor: Ragnarok] happens maybe on top of Civil War, on top of Spider-Man [Homecoming]. Somewhere in that park.”
With director Taika Waititi staging this adventure in space there is the possibility that the time-line issues may be factored in to the storyline in some way and it may well be the case that the usually astute Marvel Studios has a trick up its sleeve that will leave us all in a state of amazement after seeing the movie.
Meanwhile, the director has been speaking about his vision for his upcoming feature;
“I think the main challenge for me, was actually working at getting away from the other two films. And again… Yes, the other films are there, and it’s great to watch them. I think they’re good films. But I don’t mind if people start with this film. In my mind, for me, this is is my ‘Thor 1.’ I’ve seen the other films, and I respect them a lot. But I can’t spend too much time thinking about this as a threequel. Because then I’ll get tied up too much in respecting what went before, and respecting what’s going to come after. It just, for me, has to be a standalone thing. Because this could be the only time I do this. And I just want to make it a version of a Marvel film in the best way possible.”
Thor: Rangorok hits theatres October 27th in the UK and November 3rd in the US.