Parasite (2019).
How often are the wealthy used as the villain, or more often still the deserved punchline of a demeaning joke? Joon-ho Bong is just as aware of this trope as… Continue reading "Parasite (2019)."
How often are the wealthy used as the villain, or more often still the deserved punchline of a demeaning joke? Joon-ho Bong is just as aware of this trope as… Continue reading "Parasite (2019)."
Back in 1986, a young New Yorker and Princeton graduate, Adam Gussow was going through a particularly hard break-up. After getting on the train, he found himself in Harlem, not… Continue reading "Satan & Adam (2018)"
It’s often that you’ll hear a film described as “So bad that it’s good”, a term I sometimes even use myself and I’m equally sure you’ve also heard people say… Continue reading "Road House (1989)."
A man maintains his ship during its aimless drift through outer space as its sole occupant – apart from the crying baby he’s also trying to raise. He drops his… Continue reading "High Life (2018)."
On Episode 29 of The Film ‘89 Podcast we welcome back filmmaker, writer on film, prolific podcaster and the host of the brilliant Flixwise Canada Podcast, Martin Kessler. This episode… Continue reading "The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 29 – Black Mirror Season 5 (2019)."
When Major Kusanagi of Section Nine, an elite police division, looks long enough at us through the screen, we realise that she doesn’t blink. It’s one of many very deliberate… Continue reading "Ghost in the Shell (1995)."
Although not something that seems in vogue a great deal today, sex and death have been frequent bed-fellows in the movies from the earliest days of cinema. The love the… Continue reading "Le Boucher (1970)."
In the latest offering from acclaimed French writer/director Olivier Assayas, he turns his attention to the publishing world for a tale of the changing times due to technology and the… Continue reading "Non-Fiction (Doubles Vies) (2018)."
Director S. Craig Zahler has become one of the must-see talents to watch amongst the newest crop of filmmakers. In 2015 he wrote and directed his first feature, the brutal… Continue reading "Dragged Across Concrete (2018)."
For Episode 28 of The Film ‘89 Podcast, we’re boldly going somewhere we’ve never gone before on the show as we explore the long-running television and film phenomenon that is… Continue reading "The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 28 – Celebrating 40 Years of Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)."