Rocky (1976).
For many, Rocky is a boxing movie. Widely regarded as one of, if not the best in the sub-genre of boxing films, but for me it will always be so… Continue reading "Rocky (1976)."
For many, Rocky is a boxing movie. Widely regarded as one of, if not the best in the sub-genre of boxing films, but for me it will always be so… Continue reading "Rocky (1976)."
It would appear that Sylvester Stallone is set for a revival of another one of his most iconic roles. With Rocky Balboa set to return to the big screen later this… Continue reading "Rambo 5 set to begin get filming in September with Stallone returning as the iconic Vietnam veteran."
25 years on, Sylvester Stallone’s futuristic action/sci-fi romp seems more relevant than ever. The start of the 1990’s were a strange and unfamiliar time for Sylvester Stallone. He’d seen his… Continue reading "Demolition Man (1993)."
When we watch First Blood (1982) today, almost four decades years after it was first released and having had our thoughts coloured by three sequels and countless copycats, and the… Continue reading "First Blood (1982)."
From the early 1980s through to the mid ‘90s there were really only two real big hitters when it came to the action movie genre. Sure you had Van Damme,… Continue reading "Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Face/Off and a possible alternate reality."
In this regular Film ‘89 feature we put a classic film or TV show under the microscope to unveil some juicy trivia. Some of these facts you may already know… Continue reading "Fact File – No.5 – First Blood (1982)"
Sylvester Stallone will return to the screen as Rocky Balboa in Creed 2 but will no longer be in the director’s chair. The announcement comes after the actor (who won… Continue reading "Creed 2 finds a new director."
Whilst they are good friends now, there was a time when Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger were fierce rivals. As well as their surface, public rivalry, it would appear that… Continue reading "Arnold Schwarzenegger admits the depths he’d sink to in his rivalry with Sylvester Stallone."
One thing we already knew thanks to some great social media communication from Sylvester Stallone, was that the sequel to Rocky spin-off Creed was going to happen. Stallone has previously… Continue reading "Sylvester Stallone set to direct upcoming Creed sequel but will Rocky also return?"
In the filmography of any actor there are highs and lows and there is no doubt that this applies to the films of Sylvester Stallone. However, there are occasions when… Continue reading "Nighthawks (1981)."