The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 28 – Celebrating 40 Years of Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979).
For Episode 28 of The Film ‘89 Podcast, we’re boldly going somewhere we’ve never gone before on the show as we explore the long-running television and film phenomenon that is Star Trek and in particular it’s first big screen outing, director Robert Wise’s 1979 film, Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Joining us this episode are two of our favourite former guest hosts; filmmaker and co-host of the culturally invaluable I Don’t Get It Podcast, the ineffable Bill Scurry and Comix Connection’s John Arminio, a cinephile extraordinaire whose passion for and knowledge of film knows no frontier. We’ll be exploring the making of The Motion Picture for its 40th anniversary as well as discussing the 2001 Directors Edition where Wise’s film was given a significant editorial and cosmetic overhaul to address some of the time and budgetary constraints that prevented Wise making the film he wanted to back in ‘79. Plus we’ll also be discussing our 5 favourite Star Trek episodes.
Favourite 5 Star Trek Episodes – 1:29:00

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