The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 31 – Toy Story 4 / Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019).
In this bumper sized double issue (episode) of The Film ‘89 Podcast, Richie, Neil and Skye are joined by the winner of last year’s Film ’89 contest, Chris Beynon, who is claiming his prize of a guest-host spot on the show. Chris has gone to the trouble of coming all the way to us to record in person as we give you not one, but two in-depth, spoiler-filled reviews of two of the summer’s biggest films. First up is Disney Pixar’s fourth entry in their long running and beloved Toy Story series, Toy Story 4. Can the creative geniuses behind the previous three films continue their near perfect run or is this a sequel too far? Next up is Marvel Studios’ second collaboration with Sony Pictures and the first Marvel Cinematic Universe film post Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home. Can Marvel Studios deliver the goods after Endgame brought things to such a satisfying conclusion and how does the film deal with that film’s game-changing events as well as paving the way for a new saga of the MCU? Hit play to find out. Enjoy, recommend us to your friends, and please leave us an iTunes review.
Toy Story 4 – 0:02:48
Spider-Man: Far From Home – 0:43:55

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