The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 32 – “Forget it Jake, it’s…” Chinatown (1974) – Celebrating 45 years of Roman Polanski’s Classic Film-Noir.
Episode 32 of The Film ’89 Podcast is a loving celebration of 45 years of one of the defining modern examples of the film-noir, Roman Polanski’s 1974 crime thriller mystery, Chinatown, starring Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway and John Huston. Joining Steve and Skye to discuss his all-time personal favourite film is returning guest host and founder and co-host of the brilliant ‘I Don’t Get It’ Podcast, the venerable Mr Bill Scurry. Bill brings with him is insatiable passion for and knowledge of film to assist in the analysis of what makes Chinatown such an enduring classic and one of the most revered films of the 1970s. In this episodes’ ‘Favourites’ segment, the genre up for discussion is that of the film-noir as the guys go through their picks from a genre replete with timeless classics as well as reading out the requested listener picks and recommendations.
Favourite Film-noir – 1:15:44

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