The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 33 – Once Upon A Time In… Hollywood (2019).
Episode 33 of the Film ‘89 Podcast is a celebration of the films of Quentin Tarantino as we provide the most in-depth (and therefore spoiler-filled) analysis of a single film that Film ‘89 have covered so far as Neil and Skye are joined by the phenomenally talented film poster and key film art illustrator, Tony Stella. The film in question is of course Tarantino’s love letter to the film industry, Once Upon A Time In… Hollywood. The film has received much critical praise but like many of Tarantino’s films has been the subject of some controversy. The guys leave no stone unturned discussing everything from Bruce Lee to the dozens of hidden and not so hidden Easter eggs that keen cinephiles will no doubt have a blast finding in the film. The guys also discuss where the new film fits (if at all) on their list of favourite Tarantino films with the usual input from our listeners who’ve submitted their own lists. We hope you agree that our guest host’s incredible knowledge of and passion for film makes this one of our most entertaining and informative episodes so far.

Review – Once Upon A Time In… Hollywood: 0:03:26
Favourite Quentin Tarantino films: 1:49:08
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