The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 34 – Rio Bravo (1959) & Horror Film Special.
Episode 34 of The Film ‘89 Podcast is our biggest episode yet as we dive headlong into an in-depth celebration and analysis of a classic western that’s celebrating its 60th anniversary, Howard Hawks’ much loved 1959 film, Rio Bravo, starring John Wayne, Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson and Angie Dickinson. We discuss the genesis of the film – a response by Hawks to the 1952 Gary Cooper western, High Noon. We explore the film’s themes, discuss its great cast and compare it to other westerns from an era when it was the dominant genre in both film and television. Joining us in this mammoth discussion is author of the brilliant book, Scored To Death: Conversations with some of Horror’s Greatest Composers, and host of numerous podcasts including the wonderful Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers, Mr J. Blake Fichera. Also joining us is returning co-host and the newest member of the Film ‘89 writing team, our good friend, John Arminio. But that’s not all. As well as westerns we’ll be going dark as we discuss our all time favourite horror films in by far our biggest favourites segment so far. So sit back, relax and enjoy this bumper sized episode of your favourite movie and television podcast and please don’t forget to leave us an iTunes review.
Rio Bravo – 0:11:23
Favourite Horror Films – 1:10:36

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