The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 39 – An Interview with Oscar Winning Visual Effects Supervisor, Phil Tippett.
Episode 39 of The Film ’89 Podcast is a very special one as Steve and Skye interview two-time Oscar winning visual effects supervisor, Phil Tippett. Phil is a true legend in the field of visual effects, having specialised in creature design and character animation as well as being a director and producer whose contribution to film will be held in the same regard as the likes of Willis O’Brien, Dick Smith, Rick Baker, Douglas Trumbull, Jim Henson, Dennis Muren, Stan Winston, Rob Bottin, Stuart Freeborn and of course, the great Ray Harryhausen. He was an integral part of George Lucas’ original Star Wars Trilogy having worked on the cantina creatures and holographic chess sequence on the Millennium Falcon in 1977’s Star Wars, he animated the Tauntauns and Imperial Walkers from the incredible battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, he populated Jabba’s palace with all manner of weird and wonderful creatures in Return of the Jedi, he’s worked on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, he breathed life into the iconic ED-209 from RoboCop, he then brought to life the titular monster from RoboCop 2, and was co-producer on and responsible for the incredible blending of practical, model and computer generated SFX on Starship Troopers and that’s to name but a few in a career that’s seen him win numerous accolades and awards including two Academy Awards for his incredible work on Return of the Jedi and Jurassic Park. Phil talks about his amazing career in film as well as the influence of the great Ray Harryhausen. On top of this, Steve and Skye go on to discuss their favourite visual effects sequences in film with the usual contributions from our listeners.
Interview with Phil Tippett – 0:03:00
Favourite Visual Effects Sequences – 0:45:26

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