The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 44 – Discussing a World in Crisis.
A wise man once said, “art is whatever we do when we’re not focussed on survival”. Well that wise sage was none other than frequent Film ’89 Podcast guest-host and contributor to, Mr Bill Scurry. Bill joins Neil & Skye for an episode that’s very much a departure from the norm, something quite different to what our listeners are used to but then these aren’t normal circumstances that we find ourselves in as the world is gripped by a deadly pandemic that’s brought life as we know it grinding to a halt. We had big plans for Episode 44 which were scuppered by the outbreak of Coronavirus, but in it’s place we felt compelled to tackle this unprecedented global and geopolitical situation head-on. We discuss all aspects of the Coronavirus pandemic and how it’s affected us personally and try to offer some common sense advice and support. We discuss how the film and television industry have been adversely affected by the outbreak and how we feel the situation might change going forward. But rest assured, we do delve into the kind of topics around which the podcast was built as we discuss the recent series, Star Trek: Picard, as well as the many films that we likely now won’t be able to see in the cinema any time soon. As the world succumbs to panic and strife, we hope to inject at least a bit of normalcy back into our followers’ ears and assure you all that normal service shall resume soon. Stay safe loyal listeners and look after each other.

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