The Film ‘89 Podcast Episode 98 – Arnold (2023).
On Episode 98 of The Film ‘89 Podcast, Neil and Skye don their Speedos, oil each other up and prepare to flex as they finally devote an episode to one of the Film ‘89 team’s most revered icons of the big screen, a man whose films typify the very decade from which the podcast derives its name. Bodybuilder, turned movie star, turned Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The catalyst for the guys finally tackling Arnie’s career is the new 3-part Netflix documentary, aptly titled Arnold. Each part, just over an hour long, is devoted to his early bodybuilding career where he came to dominate the sport, his acting career that made him a global household name and his eventual segue into politics. So join the guys as they discuss this fascinating documentary and discuss Schwarzenegger’s extensive filmography.

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